Top 10 Safety Razor Blades Reviews in 2014

Over the years, many people have developed and perfected techniques for achieving a close shave every week or twice weekly, when grooming their faces. Some people find exfoliating the skin the night prior to grooming the face important. Other prefer using designer moisturizing creams and gels, while those with those with sensitive skin opt for hypoallergenic creams and soaps, to help keep their faces and overall appearance tidy. While the foregoing tips work and can heighten the overall shaving experience, using a good quality safety razor is among the easiest and most effective strategies for grooming the face well. Safety razors are tough and durable. Compared to traditional straight razors, safety razors are very sharp; rarely nick or irritate delicate skin when in use; and are cost effective. The top 10 best brands that available in the market are:

10. 7 O’clock Double Edge Safety Razor Blades

The Super Platinum 7 O’clock safety razor blades rank tenth on our review. Apart from their durability (three to four shaves), and sharpness; these blades glide smoothly on the skin when in use. If you are a novice or experienced shaver, or have a problem controlling your razor when wet shaving, the risk of nicking or bruising your face easily drops significantly, if you are using a 7 O’clock double edged safety blade. These blades are also cost effective and attainable in value packs of 15.

9. Wilkinson Sword Double Edge single Razor Cartridge

If you have tried many safety blades and nothing seems to be working well, the Wilkinson Sword double-edged razor by Schick is one of the most recommended and best-selling blades in 2014, for the following reasons: First, this cartridge contains 40 high quality DE safety razors that work well on various skin and hair types. Whether you have course or fine facial hair, you will achieve a close shave with these blades, if you use them as directed. Cost and availability are other attributes that set these blades apart from their competition. You do not have to dig deep in your pocket to look and feel good about yourself. Finally, these double-edged razor blades are low-maintenance. Unlike contemporary triple blades, Wilkinson Sword razors do to trap facial hair or clog easily while in use. To get them ready for the next grooming session, you simply rinse them under running water.

8. Shark Double Edge Safety Razor Blades

The Super Chrome Shark safety razor blades by SOTRACO rank high in many top 10 safety razor blades reviews in 2014 for many reasons. Apart from their premium and durable construction that works well when dry or wet shaving, these blades are cost effective. Each pack contains 100 high quality double-edged blades that make shaving a breeze. Because Shark blades are coated, they are sharper than many non coated designs. They also glide smoothly on the skin while in use, which lowers the risk of nicks, abrasions, and irritation of sensitive skin. Simply rinse them under cold or warm running water after use, to maintain them in top working condition.

7. Merkur-Razor Double Edge Razor Blades

Best-known for their quality construction and versatility, the double-edged blades by Merkur-Razor are as good as shaving blades can get. Each pack contains 10 stainless steel blades that are compatible with all types of double blade razor handles. Like many blades on this list, they glide smoothly on the skin when in use. They also last for several shaving sessions and rarely nick or irritate the skin, if used well.

6. Personna Double Edge Razor Blades

These double-edge razor blades by Personna are made of glide-coated stainless steel. This makes them durable and around 25% sharper than many non-coated brands that are available in the market. In terms of safety, Personna double edge razors rank high. First, the razors are packaged in a sturdy dispenser carton that helps you to remove a single blade at a time safely, when reloading your razor handle. Cases of cuts are therefore uncommon. Second, when loaded on a razor and in use, their coats enable them to glide smoothly on skin. They can trim even the finest of hairs from the base, while lowering the risk of nasty nicks and abrasions on the skin. You will never regret buying these one-of-a-kind double-edged razor blades.

5. Derby Extra Razor Blades

As per our review, Extra Razor Blades by Derby are the fifth best safety razor blades in the market for the following reasons: First, their professional design and quality construction fits most double-edged safety razor handles. Whilst being extremely sharp, these razors are outstandingly smooth on the skin and among the most durable double-edged blades ever manufactured. Whether you use them to trim your beard, sideburns, mustache, or your whole head occasionally, they will not break or lose their sharpness after one of two sessions.

4. Feather Derby, Nacet, Bic, 7 O’clock, Astra, and Bluebird Pack

If you like to experiment with many types of blades before settling on a preferred one, buying the 7 O’clock, Nacet, BIC, 16 Feather, and Bluebird razor pack is a good decision. In total, you get 16 loose blades from15 accredited brands. Each blade is sharp, of the highest quality, and wrapped in wax paper to help retain their quality. Finally, each blade in this pack is durable and compatible with many double edge safety razor handles. With this blade pack, quality for your money is guaranteed.

3. Feather Double Edge Hi-Stainless Platinum Razor Blades

A regular on many top 10 safety razor blades reviews in 2014, the double edge Hi-Stainless Platinum blades by Feather rank third on our review. Each pack contains 50 Platinum-coated stainless steel blades from Japan that are sharp, durable, and compatible with many safety razors. Whether you like dry shaving, or using cream or gel, Feather Hi-Stainless Platinum blades will reward you with a clean close-cut shave, in three or more occasions.

2. Astra Premium Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades

Like many brands on this list, the double edge superior premium platinum razor blades by Astra are sharp and durable. They are made of the highest quality stainless steel and come packaged in individual wax papers, to retain their quality. Each package contains five blades.

1. Feather Double Edge Hi-Stainless Razor Blades

The 10-pack of double edge razor blades by Feather closes our review of the best safety razors in 2014. Each blade in the pack is compatible with an array of double-edged razor handles and made of Hi-stainless platinum material that is sharp and durable. Each blade also shaves smoothly, rarely nicks, nor irritates delicate skin, if used as directed.