Top 10 Best Personal Finance Software Reviews 2014

It is important to have a handle on where your money is spent and where you can save money. The best way to do this is by managing your personal finances with a budget. With computers and devices it is easier than ever to keep an eye on your money with new software programs that keep track of every penny coming in and going out of your household. Take advantage of the best programs available today and read about them in our Top 10 Best Personal Finance Software Reviews 2014.

10. Nolo’s Financial First Aid Kit

If you are looking for a good solid “first aid kit” that has plenty of steps that you can take to recover financially and to secure your financial future, this is it. The kit comes with several different programs including credit repair, small business start-up kit, eBay business start-up kit, and a guide for home business tax deductions. You can quickly solve your most urgent debt or credit issues quickly and easily. You could also start a home business to increase your income with step by step instructions.


9. You Need A Budget (YNAB) - Personal Finance Software

This software has been praised as the best budgeting software available for personal finance. It helps you to focus on a budget and to build a foundation for your finances. When your budget is intact and works properly, everything else will handle itself. Bills will be paid on time and unnecessary debt will be eliminated. The software is constructed using four rules of cash flow. It helps you to save money faster, get out of debt and break free from the paycheck to paycheck cycle. Other software packages tend to contain a lot of unnecessary information while YNAB gives you what you need with a straightforward system that helps you to manage your money.


8. MONEY Manager by Compuworks

This program saves you a lot of time by helping you to sort out your finances and provide on screen information instantly. It calculates the balances on all credit card accounts and bank accounts and prepares a budget that helps you to take a look at how you have been spending your money. It can reconcile your monthly statements to ensure that you have not made any mistakes. You can also print out a variety of charts and reports that are perfect for easy reference.


7. Quicken Suite 2000

This deluxe suite of products is designed to help you to get your home and finances in order. It is easy to navigate between programs. The investment tracking options are incredible. The program provides key stock information about any investment holdings that you might have. It takes a close look at any mutual funds you hold and monitors stock holdings in those mutual funds. The QuickWealth Planner portion of this program helps you to project long term outcomes. You can also plan your estate and retirement in the future.


6. Microsoft Money 2003 Deluxe

This program allows you to manage your finances daily, pay your bills and track your investments. You can also prepare and file your taxes and work on building a financial plan for your future. Some of the features include a bills estimator, auto balancing, reports that compare spending and reminders for investments. This program will allow you to manage every aspect of your investment portfolio. You can track investments and estimate capital gains and also view performance reports. Balance your accounts so that they match your statements and track everything. A complete solution to finances on your PC.


5. Money Plus Deluxe

This program provides you with all of the tools that you will need to manage all of your finances in a single location. You can get a quick glance at your financial information which allows you to stay on top of your finances like you have never been able to in the past. If you want to manage your money by having a look at the big picture and then getting down to the fine details, then this is the program for you. You can forecast your cash flow and remain on top of your monthly spending goals. Approach tax time with ease and find all of the possible deductions while estimating your taxes. Improve your credit and eliminate your debt. Insights shows you a quick view of all of the important information you will want without launching the program.


4. Dave Ramsey’s Personal Finance Software Version 5.3

If you need to get a handle on your finances, this program is for you. It is one of the quickest ways to bring all of your financial goals into focus and manage your money with a few easy steps. Bring it all together with this program with a little bit of labor at the front end.


3. Cosmi Balance my Checkbook

Take the guesswork out of your finances with this handy software. Manage your checkbook, track multiple expenses, create a budget and deal with tax-deductible items. You can design a multimedia album and slideshow using this tool that helps to create something that you will remember for years to come.


2. iBank 4

This is a full features personal finance software product that has an easy and powerful Mac interface. You can easily monitor your account balances, maintain a budget, track your investments and manage your money at a glance. The essential features are included such as check printing and password protection for private account data. Organize your existing accounts by downloading all of the transactions from your financial institution. Import all of your transactions from other financial programs to organize them all in one place.


1. Quicken Starter Edition 2014

If you are looking for one of the most intuitive ways to manage your money, then you need to get Quicken. This program takes care of everything that you will ever need. Use it to manage your money, lay out a budget, determine where your money is being spent and what all of your expenses are. Until you have the big picture, it is difficult to manage the smaller aspects of your finances. This program does it all.


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