An alternative to traditional ice sculpting

Plymouth Foam and EPS 3D ART International are proud to sponsor an exciting foam sculpting competition, including a live sculpting display. The two-part competition is sanctioned by EPS 3D ART International and features professional sculptors, local artists and high school and college students.

Local Competition

This category features six local artists who were invited to participate in the competition. Each artist will carve a sculpture following the theme of winter scenes, characters, folklore or cartoons. The grand prize is $1,000 and the winner will be selected by industry professionals. An awards ceremony will take place on December 30 at 5 p.m. at the Majestic Mountain Stage.

Holiday Ornament Sculpting Competition

This category will feature artwork by local high school and college students. All participants will receive an application, EPS 3D ART foam kit, instructions and deadlines to complete their carving. The finished products will be on display at Winter Fest. Ornament themes will include winter scenes, characters, folklore or cartoons and the contest winner will be awarded $250.

Live Carving Display

Watch foam sculpting experts as they carve two artistic displays at Winter Fest. The live event takes place Dec 27 through the 30th from 11:00 am to 2:00pm and 4:00 to 7:00pm.

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